Hi! My name is Rita and my surname is Fonseca. I am thirteen years old. I am a student at school E. B 2, 3 of Penedono. I am from Penela and my address is Street of Pereira. My telephone number is two, five, four, five, oh, four, seven, six, eight. I am an only child. I like swimming, dancing, listening to music…
Nowadays there are many forms of giving information to the people: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet… All together constitute the mass media.
The television and the internet are the ‘tools’ that I use more to obtain informations of all kinds : school works, entertainments…
I only listen to the radio when I am in the car with my parents.
Instead of buying newspapers, I read the news on the internet, it’s cheaper.
Nowadays, everybody has the information they need because there are many ways to obtain it and I think this is a good thing.
Ana Rita Fonseca
no. 24 8th B
Nowadays there are many forms of giving information to the people: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet… All together constitute the mass media.
The television and the internet are the ‘tools’ that I use more to obtain informations of all kinds : school works, entertainments…
I only listen to the radio when I am in the car with my parents.
Instead of buying newspapers, I read the news on the internet, it’s cheaper.
Nowadays, everybody has the information they need because there are many ways to obtain it and I think this is a good thing.
Ana Rita Fonseca
no. 24 8th B
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