segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2007


Simão Sabrosa

Reporter: Hello!
Simão: Hello!
Reporter: What´s your name?
Simão: My name’s Simão.
Reporter: What´s your surname?
Simão: My surname’s Sabrosa.
Reporter: How old are you?
Simão: I’m twenty-eight years old.
Reporter: What’s your address?
Simão: I can´t tell you.
Reporter:What’s your phone number?
Simão: I can´t tell you.
Reporter:When is your birthday?
Simão: It’s on 31st October.
Reporter: Good-bye!
Simão: Good-bye!

Gonçalo, nº14, Ana Rualonga, nº 4,
Daniel Abrunhosa, nº11, Dinis Anciães, nº12

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2007


Her name is Shakira. Her surname is Ripoll. She is thirty years old.
She is from Colombia. She is Colombian. She is a famous singer.
I don’t know her phone number. I don’t know her address. I don’t know her family.

Trabalho realizado por:

- Lurdes Patricia Sobral Borges
- Maria Armanda Aguiar Lapa
-Cristiano Moreira
-Leonardo Carneiro

Leonardo DiCaprio
His name is Leonardo and his surname is DiCaprio.
He’s thrirty-two years old.
We don’t know his address.
We don’t know his phone number.
We don’t know the names of his father, mother, brothers or sisters.
He’s an actor.
He is from California.

Trabalho realizado por:
Cristina nº10
Márcio nº17
Marisa nº18

Oscar Gutiérrez

Name: Óscar
Surname: Gutiérrez
Nickname: Rey Mysterio
Age: 33
Country: San Diego
Nationality: Mexican
Phone number: We don’t know
Address: We don’t know
Job: Wrestler
Family: We DON’T KNOW

Daniel Monteiro, David Coelho, Lídia Colim, Luis Filipe, 5ºB

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2007

Luciana Abreu

Her name is Luciana and her surname is Abreu.
She is nineteen years old.
She is an actress.
I don’t know her phone number.
She is from Lisbon.
She is Portuguese.
I don’t know her family.

Trabalho realizado por:
Diana Sofia Moreira Matos
Cristiano Direito Aguiar
Bruno Ramos Marra
Ana Marisa Alhais

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2007



His name is Eusébio.
His surname is Ferreira.
His nickname is Pantera Negra.
He is sixty-five years old.
He is from Mozambique, but he’s Portuguese.
I don’t know his phone number.
I don’t know his address.
He is retired but he was a famous football player.
I don’t know his family.

Carla Santos, Carla Cachinho, Marcelo Vieira, Diogo Santos -5ºB

Cristiano Ronaldo

ME: Hello Mr. Ronaldo. What’s your name?
MR R.: My name is Ronaldo.
ME: What’s your surname?
MR R.:My surname is Aveiro.
ME: How old are you?
MR R.: I’m twenty-two years old.
ME: Where are you from?
MR R: I’m from Santo António, Funchal.
What´s your address?
I can’t tell you. The fans, you know…
ME: What’s your phone number?
MR R.: It’s a secret.
ME: What nationality are you?
MR R.: I’m Portuguese.
ME: What’s your job?
MR R.: I’m a football player.
Ana Beatriz Vicente. nº 3, Carlos Carvalho, nº8, Bruna, nº7, André, nº19